Patty Tahara Rassouli Reiki Master Teacher
Meditation Teacher
What is Reiki?
Reiki, originally from Japan, is healing energy that practitioners can access from the Universe. This gentle energy can help clear physical problems, mental patterns and emotional blocks so that people of all ages and pets, too, can be their best selves.
There are two kinds of sessions: hands-on healing and long distance. Both are equally effective.
Since the pandemic, long distance Reiki is the preferred method..The practitioner, in a meditative state, directs the energy to the recipient who can be across town or on even another continent.
The most exciting aspect about Reiki is that you can learn to do it for yourself. It is so easy to learn and is accessible to everyone, even children. The beauty of Reiki is that it doesn't require years of study. You can begin at once, and you can see small results almost immediately. You will feel calmer and more relaxed. Moreover, if you continue, life becomes clearer as your sense of well-being increases.
I currently teach small, private classes online and in person. Sometimes friends, family members, or work colleagues wish to study together. I also donate my teaching at CSULB/OLLI (for over 50 year olds).
Please email me if you would like more information.

Patty Tahara Rassouli has a very specific goal --to educate and inform as many people as possible about the healing benefits of Reiki.
In her own journey with Reiki, Rassouli believes the five Reiki principles:
Just for today,
do not worry
do not anger
have compassion for everyon
do your work honestly
live in gratitude
have helped her to create a more loving and compassionate life. That in turn, inspires her to share this amazing gift with everyone.
Classes & News
Meditation & More (Will also be doing Yomeki here)
Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Insitute
First Thursday of the month.
11:00 - 12 noon
310 324-6611
October 29, 2024 and November 19, 2024
10:30 - 11;30 am
Methodist Church Hall
562 985-8237, OLLI
YOMEKI is a new class I invented which is one third gentle yoga, the next part guided meditation and the last third is the receiving of Reiki energy. with crystals.
Coming! Yomeki at Los Altos Park in September!

End of Life Reiki
Reiki, gentle energy, can help an individual or pet at the end of life to transition in the best possible way with the absence of fear and loving acceptance.
Please allow us to assist you and/or your loved ones during this time of transition. Here are three ways that Reiki can be transmitted.
Long Distance Reiki
One or two practitioners can send the energy long distance over time and space to the client. A typical session would be up to 30 minutes. If appropriate, a personalized guided meditation will be given. Loved ones may also receive Reiki and guided meditations.

Services & Classes
Long Distance Reiki
Reiki energy can be sent long distance to anyone, anywhere in the world.
The recipient will simply lie down at the agreed upon time for about 20 minutes.
The healing energy will help remove blockages so that one can feel relaxed and calm.
Reiki can also be sent to help with life's problems from relationships to work to school to...
Reiki I: Self-Healing
In Reiki I, students learn how to access the energy and all about the five Reiki principles to start their self-healing. In addition, students learn how to meditate, how the chakra system works, how to think good thoughts, and how to create a strong self-care program.
Reiki II: The Gift of Reiki
Reiki II is a gift because in this level, students learn how to give Reiki to others and how to send the energy long distance. The practice of meditation deepens as mental patterns get cleared and emotional hurts become soothed.
Reiki III: The Joy of Reiki
Reiki is a joyful time because students have cleared up many of their issues and feel very fortunate to have this wonderful energy accessible to them as a tool for healing in this challenging world. Reiki III practitioners are also joyful as they can offer more in their service and connection to others.
Master Teacher: The Path of Reiki
A Reiki Master Teacher accepts the mantle of Reiki and tries one's best to live a Reiki life of sharing the many benefits of this essential energy. Teaching others is the main goal because if more people have access to this helpful energy, there will be less negative emotions and actions in our world.